Sought out Dry Eye Treatment Near Me
Dry Eye Group Treatment Journey
We Treat and Manage Your Dry Eyes
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There is a reason our Dry Eye Optometrists in Melbourne have high star ratings on Google and are booked out in advance. We keep the dry eye journey straight forward and comfortable while improving your eye health, sight and quality of life!
Did you know that some of our Dry Eye patients travel interstate to be treated by our Optometrists? That’s right!
The dry eye treatment that our Optometrists prescribe are recommended as a result of your meticulous and thorough dye eye assessment and diagnosis. Our objective is to target your form of dry eyes to allow you to manage, not necessarily cure, your dry eyes.
Intensive Pulse Light (IPL) and LipiFlow Dry Eye Treatment
In-practice treatment may be required as part of your action plan.
Two of our most popular Dry Eye pieces of technology are used to treat mild to severe Dry Eyes are Intensive Pulse Light (IPL) and LipiFlow Dry Eye Treatment. These Dry Eye treatments are available at each of our Optometry and Dry Eye clinics and must be booked in advance, with a referral from an Optometrist or eye-related specialists’ advice.
IPL treatments combined with a LipiFlow procedure has resulted in lasting dry eye symptom relief for some of our more severe Dry Eye sufferers.
Blephasteam Procedure
Blephasteam was the first eyelid heat therapy treatment to improve ocular health, vision and comfort.
Blephasteam treatments are still available at all our Melbourne Dry Eye clinics, used to help unblock meibomian glands.
Blephasteam Procedure
The goggle look-a-like device is worn like displayed below.
Once in the right position, a consistent and gentle heat, over 40 degrees heat the eyelids.
This treatment aims to melt the harden oils that are clogging the meibomian glands and improves blood flow in the eyes treated.
Blephasteam devices are used to treat several dry eye diseases and associated symptoms such as:
- Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)
- Blepharitis
- Ocular rosacea
- Dry eyes associated with contact lens intolerances
- Chalazions
Helpful Dry Eye Treatment Tips Outside of our Clinics
Our clinic offers in-chair procedures to help lessen, and in some cases, eliminate your dry eye symptoms.
Our Optometrists may recommend you make changes to your lifestyle to reduce your dry eye symptoms further at work, in the house or when you’re out and about. One of our patients referred to these changes is ‘handy tips’ to help treat her Dry Eyes outside of our clinics.
1. It is important to relieve your eyes from constant exposure to screens/ devices. This can be achieved by taking regular breaks, practising blinking exercises or wearing Hoya BlueControl lenses.
2. Do you spend a lot of time in a well air-conditioned area? As you can imagine, this can dry out your eyes which can lead to Dry Eyes. 7-Eye spectacle frames that help to keep out air and keep your eyes from drying out.
3. Our Optometrist may recommend adjustments to medications that may be causing dry eyes or may introduce medications to reduce your symptoms. Our Optometry Dry Eye clinics are stocked with ocular lubricants such as eye drops, eye gels and capsules. We advise you seek the medical advice of an Optometrist specialising in Dry Eyes before using any Dry Eye products.
Do you have some questions you would like answered before booking a Dry Eye Assessment with one of our expert Eye Doctors? Book a FREE 15-minute telehealth phone consultation with one of our Optometrists today!