What is IPL and how can IPL help with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction?

Intensive Pulse Light (IPL) Dry Eye Treatment

IPL Dry Eye Treatment that works!

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IPL E Eye Product Image

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light that is used to treat mild to severe dry eye symptoms. IPL was designed to treat dry eyes How IPL Treatment can help with dry eyes caused by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).

IPL machines are precisely set at exact energy and frequency to stimulate the meibomian glands to significantly improve dry eye symptoms.

This image showcases our Optometrist Dr Tereza Antonios undergoing an in-chair Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Dry Eye treatment on one of our dry eye patients.

Anyone who knows Dr. Tereza Antonios knows that she takes her time to listen and answer any questions you may have about dry eyes and treatments recommended to you.


How long do the IPL treatments last?

Every dry eye patient has differing dry eye symptoms, diagnoses and action plans. Most patients begin their dry eye journey with more intense and frequent treatmentss. After which, reoccurring treatments are to manage their dry eyes over time. On average, patients have five treatments, spaced 2-4 weeks apart, followed by maintenance IPL treatments spaced at 6 months to 1 year.

Side Effects

What are the side effects of IPL?

Our Optometrists are trained in the best practice use of all dry eye equipment. They will assess your skin and eyes before beginning IPL Dry Eye treatment.

Having IPL Dry Eye treatment will not prevent you from driving home after the session. Some of the short-term side effects may include:

Some of the short-term side effects may include:

  • Redness
  • Watering eyes
  • Tired eyes
  • Minor swelling around eye area

After the completion of your IPL treatment(s), our Optometrists schedule an aftercare appointment usually 1 month past your treatments to assess your eyes and eyelid glands.

Our eye clinics are readily available to answer any of your questions before and after any treatments. Our Optometrists will provide you with a direct email address for any concerns you may have outside of clinic opening hours.

Alternatively, you are most welcome to call the Optometrist and Dry Eye clinic you visited directly to schedule a time to speak with the Optometrist who treated you.

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E-Eye IPL - Eyes Watering

About your IPL Session

IPL treatments, using a Lumenis M22 displayed below, is a quick and simple process. Each session of treatment is approximately 20 minutes long.

Improvement in the meibomian gland function can be felt after only hours of treatment.

Typically, 20% of patients report excellent results after only 1 session of IPL treatment.

50% of patients show vast improvement after 2 sessions of IPL treatment – approximately 15 days after the initial IPL treatment.

And 86% of patients report a major change in their dry eye symptoms after 3 sessions of IPL treatment

Maximal results are achieved between 4th to 5th IPL treatment – approximately 75 days after the initial IPL treatment.

At aftercare appointment, usually scheduled 1 month post your final IPL treatment, our Optometrist will monitor and show the improvements to the function of the meibomian glands.


What are the best eye drops for dry eyes?

At the Dry Eye Group, we pride ourselves on using state of the art technology to provide unparalleled care to our patients.

Go beyond off-the-shelf eyedrops with Dry Eye Group’s multifaceted treatment options, all detailed for you in your tailored action plan.

When it comes to professionally administered targeted light therapy in Melbourne, our Dry Eye clinics are the team of choice!

Meet our team of Optometrists.

Book a Dry Eye Assessment  or call our team on 1300 88 2020 to book a Dry Eye treament.

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