What is Blepharitis?
Living with Blepharitis
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What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids which causes sufferers to experience both mild and painful symptoms.
Blepharitis can be caused by the oil glands near the base of the eyelashes becoming clogged, otherwise known as meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). It may also be caused by fungal eyelid infections eyelid bacterial infections or parasites.
It usually affects both eyes and these are some of the more obvious symptoms:
- Crusting at the base of the eyelashes
- Swollen and red eye lids
- Reddened eyelid glands
- Irregular tear film
Home remedies such as applying warm compress and or eyelid scrubs, can help weaken irritation and inflammation caused by Blepharitis.
Unable to steady the redness and irritation?
Our Optometrists are skilled in Dry Eye conditions and treatments! Book a Dry Eye Assessment today.
Visit a Blepharitis optometrist Near Me
After the completion of a thorough Dry Eye Assessment, our Optometrists will tailor an action plan to treat your Blepharitis.
As part of our Blepharitis treatment at the DRY EYE GROUP in Melbourne, our Optometrists may offer BlephEx in-clinic treament paired with Blephadex wipes for use after treatment, at home.
Many optometrists refer patients to our eye clinic to have their eyes ‘deep cleaned’ after diagnosing the patient with Blepharitis. This treatment does exactly that!
BlephEx is a clinical treatment for Blepharitis that eliminates large amounts of bacterial debris surrounding the eye lid through an exfoliating process.
After only 1 BlephEx treament, our dry eye patients can enjoy freedom from the may chronic symptoms associated with Blepharitis.
All three of our Melbourne Optometrists and Dry Eye clinics offer BlephEx treatments to patients suffering from Blepharitis.
It is vital to have either a referral or visit our practice for a comprehensive dry eye examination before any dry eye treatments can be scheduled and completed.
Blepharitis Treatment at Home
As well as assessing, diagnosing and in-clinic dry eye treatments, our clinics have wipes and scrubs for at home treatment and management.
Blephadex Eyelid Wipes *insert shop link please* have natural ingredients like tea tree oil and coconut oil which thoroughly clean eyelids providing great eyelid hygiene. After using the Blephadex Wipes, your eyes will be left feeling refreshed.
What are the benefits of tea tree oil and coconut oil?
Tea tree oil contains anti-inflammatory compounds which provide relief for dry eye patients who experience eyelid symptoms such as red and itchy skin.
The addition of coconut oil helps to provide relief for dry eye patients who have eyelid inflammation by reducing the flares.
These treatments may need to be continued indefinitely or on the occasion your dry eye symptoms flare up.
Meibomitis And Blepharitis
Meibomitis and Blepharitis are both eye conditions affecting eyelashes and eyelids and are associated with dry eyes.
The symptoms for both Meibomitis and Blepharitis include the following symptoms in the eye:
- Watery
- Burning
- Itchy/ irritated
- Red/ inflamed
These eye symptoms can cause blurred vision and mild to severe eye pain.
If you are experiencing any of these eye symptoms, contact the DRY EYE GROUP team today to schedule an appointment with one of our eye care professionals.
Our Optometrists are dedicated to reducing your dry eye symptoms and helping you to comfortably live with your dry eye conditions.
If your Meibomitis or Blepharitis symptoms flare up, here are two treatments you can try at home before visiting our eye clinic:
- Eyelid cleansers to promote clean and hygienic eyelids and eyelashes
- Warm compress to encourage healthy oil secretion
Washing your hands regularly before touching your eyes is important for eye hygiene and reduces the risk of bacterial infection too.
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